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Christopher Walker
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36" x 28"
Acrylic Polymer Emulsion on masonite. 2024.
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24" x 20"
Acrylic Polymer Emulsion on masonite. 2024. Private collection.
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Selected paintings in prestigious government, corporate and private collections.
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"Artist" (Dr. Sylvester Drabitt) 36" x 48"
Collection of the Prince of Whales Northern Heritage Centre. Yellowknife, NT
"Arctic" 36" x 48" 1997
Collection of Environment Canada. Western Arctic Region. Yellowknife, NT.
"Evolution" 36" x 60"
Collection of Old Fort Gary Hotel. Winnipeg , MB
"Artist" (Dr. Sylvester Drabitt) 36" x 48"
Collection of the Prince of Whales Northern Heritage Centre. Yellowknife, NT
"Arrival" (Artemis 3) 30" x 40"
Collection of Dr. Steven and Cathy Pelech. Richmend, BC.
"Artemis" (Orion and Gateway Station) 30" x 40"
Collection of Dr.Steven and Cathy Pelech. Richmond, BC
"Odyssey" (Crew Dragon and International Space Station. 30" x 40"
Collection of Dr. Steven and Cathy Pelech. Richmond, BC
"Arrival" (Artemis 3) 30" x 40"
Collection of Dr. Steven and Cathy Pelech. Richmend, BC.
Science and Exploration Series
It has been a worthwhile challenge to incorporate and explore my various interests and passions with my body of work after decades of painting the environment and heritage. I believe the inclusion of space exploration as a subject in my work adds a dimension to documenting human evolution. I was fortunate to speak with Astronaut, David St. Jacques who inspired me to delve deeper into NASA's current space program. I am currently working on a series of paintings of the Artemis Missions thanks to the insightful advice and support of Dr. Steven Pelech of Kinexus Bioinformatics and the University of British Columbia.
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